Thread: 969
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Old 06.20.2007, 04:44 AM   #15
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by jico.
dont be so sure about that. and i am not here to please you, what is rubbish to you might not be rubbish to others,
since this is a public board and since it's not yours learn to deal with it. just dont bother other people
lifes about it. because here all you have is the right to an opinion, you have no right to judge people (something you seem love doing).

and look at your belly first, what you say might also be rubbish to others. you're the biggest mouth of the board with thousands and thousands of posts
many of them pure rubbish, who the fuck are you to tell people to calm down? it seems to me that you're the one that needs to calm the fuck down.

learn to shut your mouth every now and then, it helps.

For someone who just stated that opinions are opinions, you seem more than a little offended by one that came your way, and this is without taking into account that I was just taking the mickey out of you. There are certainly a million posts by me that I would deem as rubbish too, but my good ones surely outnumber the inane litanies that you too are known to post, and are neither fish nor flesh to me. It also transpires that you are quite the touchy-feely type by your rather intense response, and all I have to say to you is tough shit, I'm used to get attacked on here at times, and unless I think highly of said attacking poster, it just makes for a good lonely laugh. Wipe the tears off your face, now.