Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
it comes from many places.
1- the sexualization of pre-teens. Our culture, our pop culture, sexualizes everything a sa means to market product and services. even prepubescent girls are seen this way, and used this way. There are many guys out there, pathetic fucks all, who get the most aroused when they see a skinny 15-16 year old girl. I theorize that they have developed a very unhealthy fixation with the sexualized bodies of young girls.
well i dont hink a 16 year old girl is a preteen, some are quite developed, it's the creepier end of prepubescent shit where it's at. gross.
Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
2-there is a stigma about being fat. that is obvious. when you stigmatize something like that you end up ostracizing those who fit that characteristic, without actually taking the time to THINK about who is unlhealthy fat and who is just chubb or thick or curvy.
chunky is better
Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
3-some guys just want to fuck MEN and will not, so instead they find women with men's body shapes and fuck them in the ass. ask around, this is actually more c0mmon than you may think.
you speak the truth brother.
Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
4-to each thjeir own though right? some fellas like the athletic slim ladies, runner's bodies, some like voluptuous sex kitten bodies.
give me NIGELLA!!!
i like big butts and I cannot lie
