hey mongs..
psyched to annouce that we are doing another Colour Out Of Space again this
year. I am personally fucking ecstatic to have Masaya Nakahara (vog) coming
over to perform. Please feel free to repost this blurb and let people know.
COLOUR OUT OF SPACE, September 7-9. The Sallis Benney Theatre, Faculty of
Arts and Architecture, Grand Parade, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 0JY
three days of exploratory sound and visuals with dead machines, hair
stylistics, ceylon mange, lussu & pami, pod blotz, jaap blonk, jazkamer,
orphan fairytale, john wiese, usurper, dora doll & steven lavender, conrad
schnitzlers �cassette con-cert� by wolfgang seidel, family underground,
tight meat duo, raionbashi & kutzkelina, phil mintons feral choir,maths
balance volumes, nackt insecten & more acts TBA. Plus experimental film
programme, panel discussion, Feral Choir Workshop and more.