Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
it is not true. the houston chronicle broke this story (it happened here in houston) and everyone has come out and the little girl was NOT gioven ecstacy or anything else. I think she has a nervous condition that makes her eyes roll in the back of her head. They are checking it out. this is th last I heard about it. i HOPE HOPE HOPE that what they say is true, because a little girl on MDMA is SICK and warped and just cruel.
I'm sorry, I have to say that the little girl was definitely on ecstasy!! I have done ecstasy way to many times in my past, and I know the signs and everything that those girls were doing to her was for a reason, reasons that pertain to ecstasy. I hate the fact that the little girl had to go through that, but I have to say that there is no way that the little girl acted like that due to a nervous condition. I felt so sick after watching the video, I know how esctasy affects a person, and I can just imagine what it does to a little 2 year old. I would never in my life even think about doing something so cruel. I hope those teenagers get the worste punishment that they can get from the legal system (yet that would never be enough punishment for their crime).