this random isnt very random
Trail of Dead - Stand in Silence
A Perfect Circle - Vanishing
IgOr OgOgO - Love or Leave
Unwound - Abstraktions
Nirvana - Dive
Sonic youth - Jams run free
Forgotten Works - green
gouds thumb - el campeon macizo
Boris - after burner
Nirvana - dumb
nirvana - mr. moustache
mew- an envoy to open fields
Magik markers - blitzkrieg boston baby
pavement - range life b-side
sonic youth - some live stuff, cant recognize the song
Elliott smith - go by
pavement - range life
trail of dead - claire de lune
pavement - haunt you down
guided by voices - mix up the satellite
My Music(grunge rock)
A part of this blue shit since June 24th, 2004