07.24.2007, 07:13 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 1
Hi, Damnably is very proud to announce the International World 'Sonic Youth' Day-which is taking place on Sunday the 12th of August @ the Bloomsbury Bowling Lanes (London W1) from 5pm-12
Being as we could not get any New York acts to come and play, we have 2 of Newcastle's finest coming down for this, plus 5 amazing London bands, and all for Free. Each band will cover a Sonic Youth song and play their own sets, plus there will be a Sonic Youth Disco, Sonic Youth played in between bands, Sonic Youth Movies on in the Venues own Cinema and all for Free!
Spraydog-After 10 years in the indie underground, arguably Newcastle's greatest yet definitely most underrated band is celebrating in style. Lush Sonic Youth, MBV, Delgado’s wall of noise married to sexy Kim Deal style Vocals. “Woah!!!Scuzzed-out droning slacker rock from the North east’s best kept secret!” DIS www.myspace.com/spraydog
Pale Man Made- Huw Stephens/Steve Lamacq’s Favourites This Newcastle half boy half girl half brilliant shimmering distorto-Indiepop, Pulp meets Sonic Youth four piece are incredible live!"Naive but confident, stumbling but accomplished. Like a well groomed Sebadoh enjoying a night out following a successful sex-change". You Get Rhythmwww.myspace.com/palemanmade
The Slow Life- London based exponents of Slocore-awash with lovely Low, Codeine, Sigur Ros moodiness. They will make you cry! www.myspace.com/theslowlife
City Lights-All female London based Garage trio named after a classic Chaplin film and on Pushing Pussy Records-and in the same rocking vein as Holly Go Lightly .They will make you want to boogie like Uma Thurman www.myspace.com/citylightslondon
Fantaplastic-Arty genre jumping north London 5 piece-who muster up a wild post-punk /hell-punk noise-not unlike Truman’s Water, Thinking Fellas Union Local 282 and Sonic Youth! They will make you mentally ill! “raw lo-fi progressive punk-edged psychedelia”–Organwww.myspace.com/fantaplastictheband
Sexual Hot Bitches-Crazed minimalist London lady 2 piece whose sheer enthusiasm and energy has made them favourites of the Hoxton scene. They produce a racket not unlike the Slits and early Fall but sexed up to the max! They will make you want to have rude sex with a stranger! “Grrrl fronted TSHB, whose minimal punk racket sounds a little Like the Fall” Time Out www.myspace.com/thesexualhotbitches
Former Utopia(East London/Seoul) Mortally sad post-punk 2 piece comprising of East London's George on adapted 6 string bass/vocals and Seoul's Rama debuting on drums and vocals. "Like (smog) on holiday in Shellac" DIS They will make you want to fall in love again www.myspace.com/formerutopia