Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
Love is for pussies. Pussy.
That's what yo mama said after she gave it up!!! LOL (jk)
I don't post as much as before cause part of my <3 is with the old board. I'm having a bit of difficulty adjusting, plus plenty of things going on. I feel things are picking up on this board plus, I like alot of the new threads coming up & the poll set up rocks. I have love for alot of people here, I just haven't gotten to know some of the new members. I also appreciate those who add me on myspace, I find it cool tha twe can also connect somewhere outside the board. RDTV I haven't played with G-Funk, Just jam with one of their horn players but who knows what the future brings. Now to post about people from the old school (Old SY board)
Rob Instigator: Art that kicks ass & might have a greater love for SY than me unless you love them as much as your mom or more, I think I have you beat.
Laila: Rules with stencilicing pics on myspace + uber fucking cool & great posts
Atari 2600: One of my fav. posters & wise beyond his years, this guy has a great tendency to read into things far better than anyone I know, Plus his art work is outstanding; put it on canvas.
Controlefuckingsexyisme: Love your art as well, I love how you make something from nothing about any band you love, I would like to see more stuff on the board like we used too in the old one.
Savage Clone: Shit this dude's collection kicks ass, I told a girl about you & she said she would love to roll around your collection naked. Also has great taste in music.
RDTV: The only other boardie I know of in KY, we have to grab a beer or 10. I'm having a kegger this weekend swing by.
Emma: You rock, I love your hair & your free spirit attitude. You rule!!!
Kegmama: The heart of the old & possibly the new board (I don't know, I don't hang on this board as I used to on the old one.
Chout: Classic dude, I love the way you keep your old school stuff & post it for those of us who missed out, Thanks for not holding back!!!
Shentov: Your tat rules, I would love to have that piece but you claimed it, it's totally yours!!!
As for others I forgot to post sorry but if you you're not with me then you're against me & for Youthoftommorrow who originally posted that remark, we will take over with blood, sweat, & no fear's. Thank you my fellow board members I have mad love for you all, you help me stay sane in a world of few SY lovers.