robo is slang for cough syrup where the only ingredient is dextromethorphan (don't get any cough syrup with ANY OTHER ingredients but that one).
people say it's a white trash drug, but i think they're thinking of meth. robo is like acid... you trip... the cough syrup also has alcohol in it, though, so you get kinda drunk... you feel like you're floating in the clouds.. it's amazing. the only problem is there's a 50 trip limit. the magic goes away more and more every year. it's still fun though. i used to drink and was like "hmph." i smoked weed and thought it was okay. then, i robo'd and everything was okay. anyone that has followed my reccomendations and went down the robo path has found it to be quite pleasant. robo!!! look it up on the net. just type in "robo tripping".