Thread: Laila
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Old 08.02.2007, 08:54 AM   #13
Posts: n/a
There you go Laila, I have used your gorgeous face as my avatar. But before I go ahead and compose a signature in your honour, you have to answer the following 3 questions. Take your time but answer wisely.

First question

On the night of the 5th of June 1976, something bad happened and only the number 7 will be a friend of yours in answering what actually happened then. Answer.

Second question

Which side are you? Left or Right? Careful with the answer, because I put a mine in one of the letters that has to be multiplicated by ten in order to attain the right meaning of directions.

Third question

There is a hole in this thread. Find it and the yellow key is in there. Once you open the the door, three cats will welcome you. Tell me which one is the biggest of them all.

Run Laila!! RUN!!