Originally Posted by Sn@ke
I understand you, I find polls like that thurston hunger guy did, offensive/stupid and annoying...I don't know why....but...they are, same thing with other threads. That's why I just ignore them. I don't agree with that idea "if people are being dumb, why not have fun period?", because "good" posters start to act like assholes and then It's hard to read and say something serious on this board because 99% of the people are just having "fun".
That's why I said to you "I know what you mean when you say SY sucks and then SY Rocks", I knew that you guys were acting like because of the "crappy threads"...but like i said...it's just stupid and annyoing.
But yeah...sorry about all that shit everyneurotic, but it was REALLY annoying to see someone who posted good stuff like that review of the T show in Mexico, and then say something like "SY sucks" just because he thinks that most of the threads are crap.
yes yes yes yes yes yes and YES!!
it's true, it gets kinda annoying because, like you said, we had some great conversations on the old board, really great threads that were smart, humurous, biting and yet understandable, you know the people here and know they like good music and have great points of views and shit. but the thing is, there hasn't been any good threads here; i especially find it annoying that everytime i or anyone else for that matter, try to start a good conversation, it all goes down in flames because a) no one replies or b) someone tries to pick a fight. it's like those "underrated/overrated" threads at the very beginning of the board or the political threads where all they do is call each other retards in oh so many words. and most threads a day are pretty insipid. there's not much people want to talk about, most of the time it's "these guys rule!!!" or these"these guys suck!!!" not anything else to it,a nd it really gets on my nerves.
i went back to the thurston hunger threads and posted my points of view on each album, it really annoys me that most people just left click on the option and post "i voted for XXXXX", why not talk about it?!
sorry for saying "fuck you", i guess we misunderstood each other.