Originally Posted by !@#$%!
of course i can sweetie. that's why i'm taking the day off today; and while people here keep discussing the latest blockbuster tripe i'm going to go see KILLER OF SHEEP, just released in a fresh new print.
You know what I meant by that--I don't care if you think these movies/books are "tripe," but at least WATCH/READ them first. You're acting just as retarded as every other asshole who decides what sort of movies (or whatever) they're going to like before they even see them. NO ONE CARES what movie you're planning on seeing if all you're going to do is brag about how much better it is than whatever we're discussing in this thread. Why don't you realize how stupid you're being? I normally like you, which is why it frustrates me when you act like such a narrow-minded dumbass.