Originally Posted by kingcoffee
I should have foreseen that the whole SY appearance on Gilmore Giorls was going to be lame. I mean, come on! It's Gilmore Girls. The show has never been any good. It's one of the worst tv shows on prime time. It's a real travesty that SY even considered doing the show. I dont kbnow what has happened to the band lately. They create a substandard record and then appear on a really really shitty tv show for less than half a minute. Maybe the band needs to get back in touch with their roots. I think they've been popular too long. They dont know what it's like to be a struggling group of nobodies.
get back in touch with their roots?
RATHER RIPPED, a pop album?
man, I thought the new forum had a idiot filter too.
there's a bunch of people with too much time to waste down here.
the sentence "to be a struggling group of nobodies" makes no sense at all.
as someone stated already, you guys need your heads checked. badly.
long live the new album, long live SONIC YOUTH...
and all of you fucking "indiots" out there to "protect the scene", go get the middle finger.