08.23.2007, 04:44 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 11
Originally Posted by jetengine
Yeah, Big Thanks, Meudiademorte. After downloading nearly 2 weeks ago, I finally got a chance to give it a listen tonight. Extremely nice, nicely extreme--particularly Side 1.
One question: Does Side 2 of the original cassette begin with the drone "already in progress", or was that simply a slight fault in your ripping? I ask, because the ending of both pieces and the beginning of Side 1 feature Thurston audibly starting or stopping the tape machine, so I thought it a little odd that the beginning of Side 2 didn't as well. Then again, this is Thurston Moore we're talking about, a man to whom symmetry and consistency have never meant much, so maybe that's just the way it's "meant to be." Whatever the case, please fill me in.
the ripp is original from the master.