Originally Posted by Tokolosh
Most of you guys who have posted in this thread are either European or American and look at it from a western point of view where the majority are white.
I agree with what you say up to a certain degree, but what's the solution for a country like say, South Africa? The black majority were suppressed during the years of apartheid. They were deliberately kept uneducated, and whites got all the jobs.
The abolishment of apartheid in the early 90's brought hope and new opportunities for the black majority. Affirmative action was implemented to make things fair for them in an all white business environment.
They are now almost 20 years down the line and affirmative action is still going strong. The problem that arises is that it's almost impossible to find a job if you're white these days. Especially white men. The quality of work has deteriorated substantially, and the South Africa's economy isn't getting any better from it.
What's your answer to that? Would it be fair to abolish it in favour of well educated whites who don't stand a chance, or keep applying it for the benefit of unschooled blacks?
I wouldn't know how to correctly answer the poll.
Do away with it, employ people on merit rather than quotas and get rid of the idiot in power who spouts off that there is no link between HIV and AIDS
If there is still "affirmative action" in place to put blacks in jobs over another ethnic group, as the blacks are in the majority, thats nothing more than good old fashioned racism
Its the same crap the whites pulled under apartheid and equally as loathsome
South Africa and Zimbabwe ar both shining examples of how to fuck up a decent economy when you employ people on the basis of race, or being a relative, over people who can actually do the damned job
*cough* Winnie Mandela *cough*