Originally Posted by ALIEN ANAL
no noi left her
she wasnt a thinker
she didnt stimulate my mind
i jusgt hvae amasvier lack of friends where i livre
all i do is think everyday
i go days with ut talking to people\
so what is better to do than sleep with pills and wine
maybe i get more drugs tonight
maybe some upper pills
i need to go kick things
if i never contacted my friends i would never hear from them
it's a good thing that you think everyday. most people can go weeks without it and friends are mostly overrated (mostly).
in yr life, you will find only a handful of people that are worth making the cut as "true friends", so don't put too much worry in it now.
now on to that "amasvier lack of friends where i livre". dude. you live in OZ for fuck's sake. I'll trade you that for Oklahoma Fucking City anyday.
get yrself a box of tissues, try to sober up, and stay away from sleeping pills (you fucking princess).
PS: I know a smart, super hot chick in Melb/Vic that needs someone to take her away from a knicker-theif. I'd try to hook you up with her, but I haven't heard from her in a few days.