Originally Posted by Glice
Buh... I would hasten to disagree with this. Religion is never irrelevant, it's a very important aspect of a person. But, like a great many things, it's offensive when it's a defining aspect of one's personality used as a crutch or worse, argumentative cleavage (in the non-breast sense of cleavage). It's only those I know who have no religious convictions who would say religion is 'irrelevant', it's simply not the case for those with convictions. Tricky subject really.
Incidentally, I bumped into a British Jew last night who's started seeing a British/ Malay [sp?] Buddhist, which is sweet.
Sorry I should have made myself a little clearer, I agree on a personal level religion is never irrelevant if one has deeply held beliefs, I was referring more to government and decisions taken by ministers
It appears that religion has played a big part in politics in the US particularly on issues such as abortion etc, we dont seem to have the same religious input/interference here
Nice to hear about the jew and the buddhist, very refreshing. Liberal jews here dont seem bothered by a potential partners religion here, my closest friend is a liberal jew, his wife a christian and that works fine
It does seem the more extreme that religious views are the less likely the person is to marry someone of a different faith
Regardless of religion though, we (British males) are still sexy (and modest)