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Old 05.12.2006, 10:51 AM   #4
the end of the ugly
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That's an awsome mix you got there! Good work.

Originally Posted by gmku
Wow. That's a mix!? That's more like, well, just about everything!

I'm working on a mix tape myself (yes, good old archaic technology, the cassette tape!)--but I figure I'll have at most a total of 20 or so songs. Well-chosen, I hope. Going with the "night listening" theme somebody mentioned in another thread.

Yeah, you just gotta love those cassettes. i've always been making my mixes on cassett. no to be ultra-indie or something like that, but I've never owned a cd-burner or a minidisc. Plus, the cassett is a good way of bringing my vinyl tracks on a mix.
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