I'm not clicking that to watch it, but if it's about Leeroy I can tell you.
he's a racist white boy who's part of a group of people on "my" WoW server that made a stupid movie.
it was all choreographed, yet people thought it was "serious" and thereby "brilliant".
by the whim of some dark gawd, Leeroy (who sold his account for thousands of dollars) is now e-famous.
I hate him and the rest of the Pals-for-life.
the people in that video are all FUCKHOLES.
grats on finding something that seriously pisses me the fuck off. they RUINED my server.
"OMG is this the server LEEROOY plays on??" "LEEEEEROOY JENKINSSSS"!.
even the name "Leeroy" was chosen just because it fits that of a stereotypical black person. racist cunts.
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