Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
I would also be "happy, get married, and have children"
God. I don't even know how to react to what he said.
pissed off, of course. what other way there is? he's basically telling you that you're not ok, and that he doesn't accept you as you are.
well maybe i could sugarcoat that shit, but no, because in your gut you know that's what he was saying. now you just need to align your conscience to that truth.
if you were a little baby i'd say you're doomed. since they've kept you slightly infantilized i'll say you're in hot water. you depend on the people who reject you.
the only solution is to beat some sense into the old man. ha ha ha. but seriously. if he wants to alienate you and cause you all manner of emotional problems, he's doing exactly what he needs to do.
i am not sure however he's mature enough to accept that which challenges the fantasies of perfection under which he covers his shame. (wow, that's deep). in other words, watch bill & ted, same story there. in other words, your father is not mature enough to provide a healthy father figure for you at this point. he's got issues of his own.
think of a mentor? you know, a
successful queer who can teach you that you're alright and how to be a gay grownup. but your dad, he's out of his depth i'm afraid. so yeah, the other solution is to grow more independent of your family and find a new psychological "home". a healthy one, of course.