Originally Posted by swa(y)
in a perfect world we wouldnt refer to older people who are obviously uncomfortable with gays, as assholes. after all...they are uncomfortable with gays for a reason....as gays are gay for a reason.
i dont know yr dad...and i could very well be wrong....but it sounds to me like he was trying to talk about it, but didnt know how to do so.
and its kinda unfair that ya;d call him an asshole for saying "yeah, i wish you werent gay" when YOU asked him the question. atleast hes a cool enough dad to give ya an honest answer...and opposed to a dad that pretended as if he didnt care about the fact that you were gay, when all actuality he did.
id rather someone tell me they hate me...or tell me they dont like whatever trait i have...as opposed to someone that faked like whatever trait because theyre in a postiion to where they feel like they are supposed to.
theres a kid....or was a kid...from macon, ga...near where i live. he told his parents he was gay (if i remember he was 15-16 years old) they more or less disowned him. they resented the fact he was gay. thay gave him alot of shit for it...that kid hung himself in a parking garage downtown. there was police tape up for awhile...lazy bastards sorta cut it off as oposed to ripping/untying it...so there were these little piece of police/do not enter tape tied to these thick concrete posts that held up the garage.
yr dad doesnt seem like a bad duyde from what i can gather...he just seems uncoftable. if ya wanna be out of the closet, thats something yr going to have to embrace. you will run into people that will HATE you, and they have that right....just as much right as you do to hate them right back for them hating you for being gay. thats how the world works. i dont mind that so much, as long as people can leave violence out of it.
i don't know where you live, or what treatment you're used to receiving, but alex's dad is not some uneducated yahoo dinosaur. he's "young" enough to play video games. he should know better. what he said is wrong, and insulting, and not the way to talk to your kid.
i'm willing to modify my statement to say "in a perfect world your dad wouldn't have
acted like an asshole" because the truth is, it was an act of assholity, but he seems to be cool in other ways, so one can separate the action from the "being". so yeah he's not an asshole but he acted like one.
end of story.
the fact that there are some cavern yahoos out there who abuse their children doesn't make it any better. this is an extreme comparison, but it's like saying to a victim of abuse "hey, at least he didn't kill ya".
to make excuses for this kind of behavior and twist your mind until you find this treatment "acceptable" is psychologically unhealthy.