Just get some tofu (firm/extra firm), cut it into strips. Then put a tiny bit of soya sauce, hot sauce, or whatever other sauce you want on each of 'em, let it sink in, do whatcha gotta do. And then bread that shit up (I don't remember how I made the breading, but it involved flour and water and shit, and bread crumbs... Pretty simple, whatever, it's fucking awesome.
Same kind of thing... but different.
tofu, strips... bam.
Marinate in a bit of lime juice, hot sauce, any god damn sauce AGAIN! garlic, whatever, for taste. Cook it! This works well put into a wrap with like, lettuce, cheese, ranch, more hot sauce, bbq sauce, whatever!
I don't remember exact details
about either haha, like cook times, etc... But I think I did like, 10 minutes, flip, another ten minutes for the other side... probably around 425-450 degrees (F)...
I haven't done much cooking for a while, so I haven't experimented with cooking and baking and shit in ... well, that long. I want to get way more into it, though.
sandwich klub 4 men.
Danny is a C.H.U.D.