Originally Posted by demonrail666
Work related question. Student (British) was asking how US newspapers compared with our own - basically implying that they're no better (without appearing ever to have actually read one in her life). Not being American myself it was kind of impossible for me to say either way. So, I was wondering which US newspaper was generally thought to be the most reliable.
im a big fan of the washington post, if only because it was my hometown paper and i'm used to it-- still, it has its own biases. top coverage on dc/government stories.
the new york times is the standard against which all other papers are measured, though-- it's like the pope of american newspapers, ha ha ha.
for international news however, the christian science monitor (yes,
that christian science) has excellent coverage. it's a one-of-a-kind paper, really, check it out online.
wall street journal is generally very good as well-- not sure now that it's owned by rupert murdoch. they've always been a conservative-leaning paper, but now??