Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
I wouldn't exactly call Jesus and Satan brothers. . . there is the whole trinity being one thing that I don't pretend to understand.
It depends how you define "brothers." The Bible is clear that both Jesus and Satan were created by God the Father and dwelled with the Father before the world was created. I don't necessarily agree with everything in this article, but it does provide references to specific passages of the Bible that refer to Satan as someone who was originally created by God the Father, but was cast out for rebellion.
With regard to the "trinity" concept, you have every reason to be confused by it. The idea that Jesus Christ is somehow the same being as God the Father is an illogical, philosophical relic of the Catholic Church. Most people refer to it as the Nicene Creed. Not surprisingly, the "3 in 1" concept is not found anywhere in the Bible. At all times, God the Father is a distinct being, Jesus Christ is a distinct being, and the Spirit is a distint being. Otherwise, Jesus Christ would have created himself, chosen himself, annointed himself, blessed himself, sent himself, talked to himself, talked about himself, and prayed to himself on multiple occasions in the New Testament, (see John 17, for example, where he prays to the Father and repeatedly refers to the fact that he was sent into the world by his Father). Taken one step further, the Trinity would mean that Jesus Christ got Mary pregnant with himself.
So if you're looking for the exact spiritual/sexual opposite of Satan's daughter, it would have to be a son of Jesus Christ, since Satan's daughter would technically be considered Jesus Christ's niece (and God the Father's grand daughter).