Originally Posted by luxinterior
Not really. If you know what a girl's favorite shop is, a gift certificate there is always nice, but don't just pick a shop for no reason. Body lotion and gift certificates to girly places are generally thoughtless presents.
I was once given the book Memoirs of a Geisha (step-family again) because the person knew I liked to read. And so picked a book out for me that I had no interest in reading. They made absolutely no effort to find out what books I would actually like to read.
Kind of like the time I received Forrest Gump as a gift. Just because I like movies. That was a terrible gift.
All I'm saying is, try to let go of that "Because you're a girl, I'm getting you this" notion if you are really wanting to get the person a good gift. Most of the gifts I receive at Christmas are those "Because I'm a girl" gifts that I never use.
Thats why people dont buy me CDs