Originally Posted by swa(y)
my best friend/current roomate is getting married in april. im happy for him, but im not looking foward to it at all. im gonna be the best man, apparently im supposed to give some sorta speach or something, but he told me it was optional. great...cause i dont wannt, if only because i couldnt say the shit i really wanted to say without his, and her...and probally them themselves hating me for all eternity.
i love that boy to death. i love her to death too. i just...shit man...him getting married just symbolizes alotta scarey gowing up sirta shit. throught HS it was me and him....me and him versus the freaking world. we were so full of ideas (almost none of which we ever actually did anything with)...bleh.
im just gonna miss em i guess. ill still see em...its just...not gonna be the same thing anymore.
it almost sounds like we were lovers...not true at all...but we were as close as anyone could possibly ever be to it without actually being that.
You really can't suck it up to say something nice for your friend? You guys are "as close as anyone could possibly ever be," but you won't say some nice words for him at his wedding? If you were really that close, you wouldn't not want to give a best man speech, and you wouldn't have to lie or fake anything in the speech. I don't understand why you are the best man at all if the only reason you won't give the speech is because you wouldn't get to say all the shit that you want to.
I don't know, you're the best man, dude. Maybe it isn't my place, but to me it seems really shitty not to give the speech.