my friend may have a Jane's shirt. I'll have to ask.
I saw Porno for Pyros first tour back in the day, but never got a shirt or it would be yours.
sort of on subject: while out to dinner a few weeks ago a football game (amerikkkanski stylee) came on the TV. to my dismay, Perry Ferrel was singing with 50 cent and some other craptastic people.
I said "that makes me kind of sick".
the waitress took note of this, thinking it was my food and asked what I was talking about.
"it's Perry Ferrel. on the tv. and he's singing during a football game" I said (fully expecting that the girl with full-sleave tattoos would be hip to my jive).
she just stared at me blankfaced.
"who??" she asked.
"guy from Jane's Addiction" I said with an even deeper sense of my age.
thank you sweet feenyks fer makin' me feel me not so old again.
PS: wtf is wrong with Good God's Urge? Love and Rockets plays on the album FFS.