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I'd suggest
(this post may contain smiley faces)
I made a mix tape but now I need to listen to it and go free form with it loudly.
damnit I'm one song deep, do I try and catch it here and pretend I was paying attention to the first song while writing the disclaimer or yeah I'm already on the trail.
A large sea-chest - the type a galleon would stoe under guard sits abandoned on this beach. This beach there's some smoke trails from a fire with some huts off a few hundred feet to the south east. I can't really make out their forms, but I catch the movement of beings jiving easing like snails across the scene.
Sand stretches for miles to the north, to the south. Dark sands, not black, no igneious, more brownish, ground up shells, sparkly. Bright green tendrils of seaweed drape politically across each corner of the chest's furnished metal edges. Light from the beach fire cascades down, spiralling blues of should probably have been straight silver - whatever the case, it wasn't bronze.
maybe some platinum.
Cliff faces east, steep, unclimbable by regular men. If they had ropes and the appropriate clips etc. then alright, men could climb it. But it was steep with bright reflective minerals dealing all sorts of demons to the sky as they're fed by the glowing orange from the nearby fire.
West is an ocean, light blue water like the color of these messageboard frames, so eyes can see the scuttling hermit crabs and starfish - half buried. But the bottom goes down, it drops out fifty yards from the shore and a slope begins. Don't get me wrong there are still hermit crabs and starfish, now we've got scavanging nurse sharks, sharp toothed blue fish, and others...
What about that movement? Good question. Have those creatures even noticed the chest?
Perhaps, for the chest has not moved, just grown more barnacles. But the movement of shadows has seem to spread in these strange patterns that would hint indeed, a reveller might have, could have, there is a chance that, in all probability they have seen the sea-chest.
yeah didn't mean to scream there friends, sorry. But those huts are still worth a closer look. Let's see... animal hide? Some, but in rope like patchey form, as if its tieing pieces... together... but pieces of what? What are those circular forms - from where did the creatures find the timber to construct and shape such perfectly circular hovels...
The sea-chest doesn't care, its just glad to be on shore. And it remains there even as a slinky shadow approaches from out the fire light.