Originally Posted by atari 2600
You jave no leg to stand on.
Have fun with your limited palette of musical expressions.
Have lots of motherfucking fun with your cacophony.
It's like someone saying, "well, you know, I'm a painter, but ah, I only fingerpaint."
You don't even wanna learn. With no knowledge of the chromatic scale or anything, one isn't even able to "jam the note" like Sonic Youth and so many other bands.
Speaking as someone who has owned and 'played' many guitar shaped sound generators, sometimes with strings, oft times without, I feel I must come to the defense of us 'douches'.
My interest in the guitar is not in the sound it makes in its conventional 6/12 string format, nor is it in the variations in the tunings of those strings. It is in the sound that can be produced by
using a guitar in an unconventional way.
That being said, I find your comments, offensive as they may be to some, refreshing in their candour.