i also think people coming out and saying I DONT BUY MUSIC ANYMORE, I JUST DOWNLOAD, WHATS THE POINT IN PAYING WHEN I CAN GET IT FOR FREE are missing the point entirely. thats abusing the situation. yeah, its their choice but thats leeching off the people. i mean everyone had someoone in their school who (im talking to the +25 year olds) had every album ever on copied tape and yet knew more about music than anyone else, it didnt sit right with you when you saved for weeks to go out and buy albums with yr pocket money.
yknow, soon we will have a ban on discos/ niteclubs because the music can be recorded on to portable digital recorders and immetiatly transmitted to another niteclub 1000s of miles away to a guy who just stands there and calls himself a dj! the bootleg disco..... man thats an idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!