Yeah, I have my qualms about Florida, but I am "assured" that St. Petersburg is like this oasis of liberalism and culture. (yeah... hmm, I think I've heard that before...). I may have to see if there would be fed jobs in Albuqueque. Is there a VA med center there?
We're coming around to the realization that having a house ain't for us anymore. We moved in that direction this last time, downsized our house size, but we need to take the next step and de-suburbanize. I would love to live in a central neighborhood of a good city. I'm all for a loft, apartment, or condo, etc. We do have our two big Goldens, who take up a bit of room, but I don't see why we couldn't downsize to a decent city condo or loft.
Ever notice how this place just basically, well, sucks.