grunge... another made up term by journo hacks to describe a style of music that they dont understand fully to people who dont know what to understand fully...... yeah i know it came from mark arm origionally but i mean for wider useage!
to me..... nirvana are not grunge.....
to me mudhoney and dinosaur are kinda just because the music sounds grunge, sounds dirty, it sounds like it came from the ooze.... onomatopoiec rock (sorry if that spelling is wrong)
alice in chians, soundgarden, pearl fucking vedder jam sandwich, erm, fait no more to a point, nickelfuckers, any band that adopts that whiny nasaly irriating whine and plays loud guitars and is not "heavy metal" gets labelled as grunge... to me its a fucking turn off.. if itsd grunge then its usually shite
sonic youth of course got labeled as grunge during their height of popularity, along with babes in toyland, nirvana and even, and this made me laugh, my bloody valentine.... around the era of the rollercoaster tour thingy. melody maker has a lot to answer for..................
genre labelling is just a handy way for dumbasses to communicate to the wider audience. it makes a person who buys maybe 3 albums a year feel like they are part of some scene or other. it makes them feel in touch with the "kidz". its all bullshit, its all fashion trendyness, its all a fake. listen to music, like what you like.....
my favourite genre is that rare one of good music.......
i mean, this picture sums it up.. make yr expensive giutar and amp sound like a shitty broken cheap one....