I always sucked at Gaunlet. I think I have Gauntlet 2 on one of those Midway Classics compilations, with Mortal Kombat 2 & 3, Rampage World Tour, and some other stuff.
Nowadays I play mostly old stuff. I bought and cleaned an SNES a couple years ago and Final Fantasy 3-6 (Japanese) - $65 for all of it. I went home and completed all 96 exits in Super Mario World in two sittings.
I also have something like 250 roms for SNES and NES alone, not to mention Sega (Phantasy Star series, Sonic mostly) and loads of text-based crap. Then I bought the rerelease of Ultimate Doom, Master of Orion 2, SimCity2000, found a copy of Diablo 1, Starcraft, Descent, all that good stuff. A ton of abandonware (X-Com, Dune, etc.). Some retro games on GBA, like Yoshi's Island, Metroid 1, Zelda. And I probably haven't played 75% of this stuff. But I love having it.
Anyone play Blackthorne? That game was so bad-ass...They rereleased it on GBA. If I hadn't played it so much already I'd get it.
Or Flashback, the hardest game on the planet.