Originally Posted by Glice
Those are, to my mind, equally as asinine and irritating as Steve 'genuinely shit lyricist' Milk-mouse's interminably 'zany' rhyming couplets of shitness. See also Brian Molko. Bob Dylan can eat a massive tub of 'shut the fuck up you over-rated wank residue' as well.
blind date with the chancer
we had oysters and dry Lancer's
and the check when it arrived
we went dutch dutch dutch
a redder shade of neck
on a whiter shade of trash
and this emery board is giving me a rash
I'm flat out
you're so beautiful to look at when you cry
freeze, don't move
you've been chosen as an extra in the movie
adaptation of the sequel to your life
this is pure unadulterated lyrical GOLD baby, and infinitely better than even the very best that interpol can come up with