pornography/depression (not safe for work, probably)
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03.26.2008, 09:08 AM
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Originally Posted by
m1rr0r dash
ansley park neighborhood in atlanta - the castro, san fran of the southeast - had those also... not just in the gay bars, but outside the hair salon (
learn how to be fabulous while gatting yr hair done
) and in little metal boxes at the street corner like for a real newspaper (
the personal ads - find yr next one night stand while you wait to cross the street
). they also had an only slightly more serious newspaper called The Southern Voice - that they ripped the name from the The Village Voice should be an embarrassment to gay people everywhere... compare headlines:
Village Voice
In (Partial) Defense of Eliot Spitzer
Pucker Up by Tristan Taormino
Lower East Side Fujianese Joints Becoming More Refined
Counter Culture by Robert Sietsema
and sure - the occasional shlock piece like...
I Don't Like Easy Pussy.
What Is Wrong With Me?
by Dan Savage
Southern Voice
Public health struggles to reach gay ‘hidden population’
Experts say CDC must look for gay men outside of bars, bathhouses
breaking news: gays outside the bathhouse? stop the presses!!
Gay couples face tax time dilema
Experts offer strategies for getting the biggest refund
more money? how fabulous!!
and important national news stories like:
McGreevey aide says he had sexual trysts with N.J. ex-governor, wife
wtf? blech... who reads this crap?
Does the Southern Voice have a porn section?