Tall Firs Sat April 5 'Too Old to Die Young' Record Release Show
One of us! One of us! One of us!
Please join Tall Firs for our biennial record release party on Saturday night. Our second album "Too Old To die Young" came out on March 18th and we're pleased as punch for yet another excuse to revel unrepentantly with friends and family. Be a part of our desperate struggle for bigger dreams and better memories. Our friend Tom Surgal helped us put this together as part of his series entitled "Red Desert Nights" at Rehab (formerly Club Midway). After formal recitals by the fabulously out of it and into it band Telepathe and then Tall Firs; NY Night Train's Loose Caboose is putting on a free dance party upstairs stocked with our peeps. On the wax will be DJ Awesome Derek, Busy and Mellisa from Telepathe and our very own Ryan Sawyer of Tall Firs (the other two Firs might get in there too). On stage, we will take no prisoners, but afterward we're gonna' take you all hostage. Plan to be in it for the duration... Dave Fir
Location: Rehab (formerly Club Midway) 25 Ave.B (les NYC) 212-253-2595
Ecstatic Peace record release party for Tall Firs (presented as part of Red Dessert Nights curated by Tom Surgal): doors at 8:00 Telepathy at 9:00 Tall Firs at 10:00 $8 admission
NY Night Train's Loose Caboose presents: dance party featuring DJ Awesome Darek, Busy and Melissa of Telepathy and Ryan Sawyer of the Tall Firs 10:00 pm onward Upstairs for free