I heard one track of theirs on a compilation actually... very good. I can't remember which track it was, but the whole compilation is very good.
And you'll all be happy to hear that I downloaded some plastic people... and it is, indeed, of prime quality. I seem to remember one of their LP's being in a nearby-ish record store, I think I will buy it. There's a wonderful approach to freakout solos with them, the whole band playing steady and taking it in turns to have a proper Velvetsy twatting of instruments and then finding their way back to the melody.
I am of liking this. Yes.
Message boards are the last vestige of the spent masturbator, still intent on wasting time in some neg-heroic fashion. Be damned all who sail here.
Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.