St. Yared, an Ethiopian scholar and hymnologist rose to prominence by A.D. (Ethiopian Calendar). St. Yared is well known through out the world for his incomparable knowledge, mastery and composition of hymns and as a prolific “Qene” scholar.
St. Yared has four hymnal books to his credit “Digua”, “Zimare”, “Mewasit”, and “Miraf”. He was also an authority on the interpretation of the Old and New Testaments as well as on other important books. Carefully choosing parts from these important books for use in prayers and hymns, and harmonizing the basic with their interpretation; he arranged them in such a way that they can be prayed and sang in the four seasons for fall, autumn, summer and winter with all the beauty and passion he graced them with. He classified his hymn into three; namely, “Geez”, “Izel” and “Araray”
The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church., Faith, Order of Worship and Ecumenical Relations. Second Edition. (2004). Addis Ababa: Tensae Publishing House. Pp 47-48.
Religious Musical Instruments
Kebero (drum)
Washint (flute)
Tisnasil (sistrum)
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 27 March 2007 )