Originally Posted by Kegmama
Damn. Has Chris Lawrence turned cuntlike, cynical & critical like the rest of us now? I thought he was one of the nice ones. If YOU can not distinguish, than I know I can't. You are a sonic master.
aww, i am nice! my sarcasm rarely translates when i read it back, sorry.
i kept wanting to start this thread anytime i'd hear one of these songs, but always forgot. so i just threw it out there, cuz the question was clear in my mind! i hope you'll all play along now, cuz i'm curious what the consensus is.
to forensic scene -- bass on which songs? both?
to be more specific: please listen to 'little trouble girl' and 'my arena' and, judging by your ear, determine whether you think kim is playing bass or (her trademark low-tuned washing machine era) guitar. post here. thanks!!