I'm tempted to say "the holocaust never happened" and watch the fireworks. But I'll resist.
I think the question is a decent one, but it's not "Jewish people" who ignore it, it's everyone. I'm Jewish by blood, but I wasn't there and I didn't lose anyone in it - I'm no more relevant to the holocaust than anyone else and I don't feel any more qualified to talk about it than anyone else. I know a Jewish survivor - she mentions the gypsies quite often. Jews themselves today really have little to do with the holocaust, much like Germans today have nothing to do with the Nazis - aside from perhaps the Israeli nationalists, which is a whole 'nother issue.
Similar to what AssBlaster said, just because I'm of Jewish decent doesn't mean I'm more concerned with "my people" surviving than I am with the gypsies. It is an altogether different question if you're referring to only the ones who experienced it first hand, but I believe that would be addressing a very small number of people...