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Old 04.13.2008, 03:45 AM   #11
m1rr0r dash
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m1rr0r dash kicks all y'all's assesm1rr0r dash kicks all y'all's assesm1rr0r dash kicks all y'all's assesm1rr0r dash kicks all y'all's assesm1rr0r dash kicks all y'all's assesm1rr0r dash kicks all y'all's assesm1rr0r dash kicks all y'all's assesm1rr0r dash kicks all y'all's assesm1rr0r dash kicks all y'all's assesm1rr0r dash kicks all y'all's assesm1rr0r dash kicks all y'all's asses
translated from Rimbaud's french by yours truly:

they promised us they were going to
bury in the shadow
the tree of good and evil,
get rid of tyrannical honesty,
so that we could set up
our own purest love.

it began just a bit disgusting
and it ended -
since we couldn't
seize on the field of this eternity -
it ended in a stampede of fragrences

some two bit hack who got a book published translated this same passage as

So now that we're really digging this badass
let's come out and demand action
on that hyped-up promise
they made our souls and bodies
in their famous long ago:
their mind-blow -

Elegance, Violence, and Science!
They were going to do some pruning
on the tree of good and evil, right?
it began just a bit disgusting
and it ended -
since we weren't quite quick enough
to clinch our fabulous beat -
it ended in the smells of stampede

Rimbaud's original french:

On nous a promis
d'enterrer dans l'ombre
l'arbre du bien et du mal,
de deporter les honnetetes tyranniques,
afin que nous amenions notre tres pur amour.

cela commence par quelques degouts
et cela finit, -
ne pouvant nous saisir sur-loe-champ de cette eternite -
cela finti par une debandade de parfums.
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