Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
It is that time of year again, where the Holocaust is all over the TV and the schools. But it has always made me so upset, to here numbers of six million jews left and right, but never hear mention of the other 5 million "subhumans" who died along side the European Jews in Hitler's empire. Only one teacher out of the dozens in my life has ever brought this fact up. Why does everybody want to forget the non-Jewish deaths but not the Jewish? It doesn't make anysense how the Nazis could have systematically murdered almost 12 million people, and only 6 million are ever made mention of.
the newish memorial in berlin is to the 'murdered jews of europe' caused some controvesy because people began saying 'well what about all the jews that were not from europe'?
having actually been to concentration camps i can say that they dont just talk about the jews but all of the people who were killed there.