Jewdriver from Oakland/San Francisco want to announce rumpeln with "Hail The Jew Dawn" likewise God anger and for this purpose with songs the inexpressible Nazi volume Skrewdriver around, which gives a somewhat disturbed note to the whole one. The Jewish skinhead volume around founders and volume Hitler Ian Stuartstein bathes in music rather in flattening, can however with offensive texts and awkward symbolism so some common spiritless prejudice the wind from the sails take. Compared with the Roman-catholic association of heap of failure, the full beards, historical seen, are pazifistische Weichlinge, in addition, the Jewish Friedfertigkeit knows borders: With incorrigible Rassistenluemmeln and bad Jew jokes makes the bind-own safety troop F.O.I. (Fruits OF Israel) short process. Only one pretends, may no wrong peace have said and supplied themselves with the worst Plattencover more ever equivalent additionally still the negative proof for the existence of God taste. As idealistic "turbo-Jews" Jewdriver live naturally more kosher edge. That is called much drinks (Manischewitz), much eats (milk cuts OR Bifi!) and songs over meals and drinking sing, about which one is written in common German also still ( "Bagel Song" ). Quite badly probably, but the genuinen ruralness the local native more speaker after measure, without reservation authentic. Afterwards is conclusion. In each regard. As merrily one must find that now everything, is posed there. A religion comparison forbids itself already in advance already aufklaererischen minimum standard because of, should consider itself the bent target group however before accessing whether God is actually Punk and for the Moneten rather times nen new scarf buys. Who is otherwise somehow unrealistic, this abendlaendischen Kulturklops will probably please that. Ian Stuartstein - manischewitz drinker, Max Bagels - maximum bagelist, Aryan Sharon - minister of propaganda, Kilgore Gefilte - helmet head, He-Brew-Who-Cannot-Be-Named - passion of christ, Challah Alter-kocker - mohel in training, OX - our handler, The KRO - triangular geometry, Mr. Fujiberg - master of jew-jitsu, Pauly Bagels - backup bagelist and Kyle - the merch guy (want a shirt? go SEE KYLE! go SEE KYLE!)
***Just got back from the BOB fest 2007 in Bath, brought home some 7"s of the Jesus Skins / Jewdriver split with just the Jewdriver tracks on this slab of wax. It has the wonderful cover and is a limited edition pressing of 500 done by the Jesus Skins - send us a message if you want to grab one of these rarities - $5ppd via paypal*** Our Hannukah Tour 7" available through Interpunk go here:
Interpunk ***We have NO t-shirts currently (will have another run in the next couple months), our cds and lps are all sold out and we do not think the record label will re-press them at this point, so try ebay or google Jewdriver and see if you can find someone selling it! for t-shirts email first to see if we have what you want in stock: ****READ THIS - If you want to add us as a friend you need to use the aforementioned email address - this keeps the boneheads away for the most part since they are all illiterate...
our website - currently out of commission...hello DANH? found copies of our cd still available here for those who have been asking: