!@#$%! and Noumenal, I love the teasing of Atari

Maybe you were destined to be a prodigy Atari!
Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
a) maybe your sister's art was never any good to begin with, and pot has just brought that to the surface.
b) tell them to clean up the kitchen
c)dont try to analyze the mysteries of the cannabis economy, it can be a rubix cube of sorts sometimes.
d) whats wrong with siblings hanging out with siblings? if they left to smoke pot with their friends that would be one thing (which highschool kids do anyways pot or not), but to bond with other family? why the jealousy is what im wondering....
e) everybody who smokes pot smokes it in the morning. sundown is for serious shit like hard drugs, prayer, or eating steak!
f) you know you can graduate from most state Universities with up to a PhD having only a GED?
g) ALL kids are skip school, kids who smoke pot just skip it for different reasons. They are not skipping school because they smoke pot, they are skipping school because they dont like school. they just happen to be smoking pot because that is what they do.
h) pot doesn't kill people. meth kills people. alcohol kills people. pot gives people the munchies.
as far as your mother, your siblings should be more resepectful about things, but i'm sure they will continue to smoke pot, so at this point, rather then driving them away, you and your mom need to become more adaptive and accepting. work around the situation. you'll find that when you address the real issues (within family relationships, at school, etc) that are the problem, you will actually solve the problems.
How the fuck could pot bring out what a bad artist someone is? If someone's art is good when they were not doing pot and then it started sucking when they started doing pot, acid, shrooms, and the likes how would pot be bringing out the true them? That makes no sense at all to me.
I know all kids skip school. I skipped school, especially senior year. But there is a difference between skipping school and skipping a lot of school.
I'm not jealous of them. I wouldn't be OK with it if they invited me, I'd probably be more angry. And yes they bond over it, but it has hurt the relationship between them and the rest of the family. My older sister brought a new child into the family, and they would rather go smoke pot than visit it.
I'm not saying that pot kills people. Alcohol and meth don't kill people either, people being fucking stupid kills people. Two nice kids here did something really stupid--they were high walking home high at night and decided to lay down on the road. Guess what happened?
Involving yourself in the drug trade here, even if you are just buying pot means also being involved in the coke and heroin trade, because they are dealt by the same people. That might not be true where you live, but where I live, it is the norm. This area has several heroin/cocaine related deaths a year, and my little siblings are friends with users and dealers of both. A lot of people say that you don't get into doing drugs with your friends, but how many people who have all straight edge friends decide to go off and find a drug dealer and try out pot?
My little siblings also think it is perfectly ok to do LSD, which can cause serious brain damage.
I have failed to mention that a lot of pot around here is laced with other shit too, as is LSD around here.
I've also failed to mention that my Dad has back and stomach problems and medications for both and that he
HAS TO hide his prescriptions.