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Old 04.24.2008, 09:19 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by demonrail666
I'm reading this book at the moment, 'Have a Nice Doomsday. It's about America's evangelical Christian Right since 9/11 and makes the claim that 50 million Americans believe that a biblical Apocalypse will occur in their lifetime. This is a pretty heavy thing to believe in and I'm wondering if a figure like 50 million isn't a bit far fetched. So I'm asking American posters here if they believe that figure could be true, and if they know people that actually believe that an Apocalypse will take place during their lifetime - or even if they believe it themselves!

bible nuts don't love the sonic youf

but about numbers, here's some stats i found

i don't believe catholix & other major religions are actively waiting for some bollocky "apocalyptus". so i'd look for the nutty denominations to add up-- jehova's witnesses, pentecostals, baptists... so according to the chart, YES. 50 million head cases. impressive, huh?
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