Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
You definitely SHOPULD worry about it.
It is these very same fuckos that vote in veery electioand that have a mentality of completely concentrating on what is best for the NOW and completely ignoring the future, because as they see it, ther will be NO FUTURE after the second coming. these fuckers will continue to put our nation in debt, using up all our natural resources, because they :know" that the "end times" are coming. these fucking goddamned stupid ignorant religious assholes.... FUCK I HATE THEIR BULLSHIT SO MUCH
these are probably the same zionists bastards who tell their elected officials, "sir, I think you misunderstand, this group is not in favor of giving up ANY of the land which God gave to Israel."
again I say, America is the Apocalypse, keep on living that life of excessive consumption Americans, the world will last forever wont it?