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Old 05.26.2006, 11:23 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Well that's thing (this is gonna make him seem like a right bastard...which he his actually) he wanted to borrow annie hall of me. As expected I told to get stuffed.
So anyways a few days later he ask if I wanna come round with a couple of other people and watch a movie. Now, I have a pretty big collection of dvds so he said to bring some round and we could decide on a dvd. Me being the nice guy an all I took annie hall in case we all agreed to watch that along with 5 others. We didn't watch annie hall we watched somethin else (god knows what it was).

So i'm a light weight when it comes to beer and soon i'm out for the count. Wakes up in the morning and all me dvds are there next to me. Ok cool now lets get home. I get home and i pull the dvds out of me bag to find one missing. Which? You guessed it Annie Hall. Grrrr bastard

aww for fucks sake! this good chap is taking the piss. you need to strike man, get something of his..preferably something expensive... i dunno his PSP or Nintendo DS or something and hold it ransom, now not Mel Gibson-Ransom but real ransom, kidnappin of a sort, email him pics of his PSP over a bucket of water or something... teach this goon a lesson.
"Pescescimmia ha grandi bulbi oculari blu, ognuno attaccato su un lato della sua testa, in modo tale da risucire a guardare indietro senza girare la sua testa pesciosa"
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