Mr Julian - I can sympathise with what you're saying, but unfortunately, unless you're careful you run the risk of alienating them, which would be worse.
I used to work with a chap who was worried about his daughter. She was a proper pot-head mess. Pretty girl gone wrong, lethargic, all that lot. He decided to let her smoke in the house. So long as she was with him. He made her whitey every night for a week. Not that I approve of this approach, but by God did it ever work. Part of the thing, sometimes, is rebellion, and your Dad smoking with you really ruins that. She smokes now, but she's a lot more sensible about it. A happy ending, of sorts.
Now. Just for the records: Speed - is a good drug on those very rare ocassions you need to stay up. Everyone knows speed freaks are worse than smack heads, but it's not that bad very, very ocassionally (spend more on it is my advice).
Crack is rubbish. Ten minutes of 'I AM GOOOOOOOODDDD!!!!' and three days of 'i am death'.
Coke is a waste of money, only worth it if you want to destroy all semblance of personality or ocassionally have quite exciting sex.
I've never done H, but I know a few relatively well adjusted people who get by alright. They're not theives, they hold down jobs. They are a very small minority, however.
Acid is great fun, but more than any other drug, don't do it regularly and respect it like it were your life.
Mesc: Is one of the greatest things on God's earth. But take it with extreme caution. This is true of most hallucinagenics. In fact, don't take it, it's a mindwarp.
DMT: You can't get this regularly enough for it to be a problem. Do it a few times in your life and then boast about it to your friends.
Booze: Respect the booze. Learn your lessons young - throw up, make a dick of yourself. Learn the lessons and grow up to be a proper drinker.
I could go on - part of the thing I want to get across here is that the culture attached to weed, more than any other drug, is that people think it is 'ok' more than any other (perhaps with the exception of booze). It's not ok. It'll wreck your life if you let it. Pill heads are usually smart enough to know what they're doing, and the honeymoon period rarely lasts more than a couple of years. Booze has a social function. The other drugs are fun rarities. I contend that weed is dangerous because 'youth culture' has a habit of ignoring the fact that more people than not use weed and become apathetic, antisocial and in a lot of cases paranoid wrecks.
This is my experience, I've done all the well-known drugs (apart from horse) and a few obscurities, and I honestly think weed is the most dangerous (nb I've given up everything apart from booze, fags and ocassional ket or acid since 2 years).
Message boards are the last vestige of the spent masturbator, still intent on wasting time in some neg-heroic fashion. Be damned all who sail here.
Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.