05.06.2008, 02:01 PM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: France
Posts: 7,997
Latest newsletter:
sorry for bothering with some details:
"Devil, You + Me" has been released in Germany, Austria, Australia and Switzerland last Friday. Should be available at any shops now....
On May 12th it will be released in France, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway and Finland. Sweden on May 14th. UK, Ireland and Italy will follow on June 2nd.
Last but not least: USA on June 17th!
In the meantime, you can visit and get lost at our new website www.notwist.com
Not to forget our present tourdates:
09.05.2008 D-Berlin - Volksbühne [sold out]
16.05.2008 D-München - Muffathalle [sold out]
29.05.2008 E-Barcelona - Primavera Festival
30.05.2008 D-Neustrelitz - Immergut Festival
31.05.2008 CH-Düdingen - Bad Bonn Kilbi
05.06.2008 F-Paris - Maroquinerie
06.06.2008 UK-London - ICA [sold out]
07.06.2008 IRE-Dublin - Button Factory
08.06.2008 IRE-Galway - Roisin Dubh
13.06.2008 NL-Den Haag - Paard van Troje / The Music In My Head
14.06.2008 NL-Utrecht - Tivoli
20.06.2008 D-Wiesbaden - Schlachthof
21.06.2008 D-Neuhausen o.E. - Southside Festival
22.06.2008 D-Scheeßel - Hurricane Festival
05.07.2008 DK-Roskilde - Roskilde Festival
15.07.2008 A-Feldkirch - Poolbar
16.07.2008 I-Turin - Spaziale
17.07.2008 D-Freiburg - Jazzhaus
18.07.2008 B-Dour - Dour Festival
19.07.2008 D-Gräfenhainichen - Melt! Festival
22.07.2008 I-Ferrara - Ferrara Festival
03.08.2008 E-Zaragoza - Expo 2008
08.08.2008 N-Oslo - Rockefeller / Øya Night
09.08.2008 UK-London - Field Day Festival
15.08.2008 F-Saint Malo - La Route Du Rock
Further european dates will follow end September and mid November/December.
We are going to tour USA/Canada from Oct 10th till 29th....
all the best
If you want to reply to this mail, please use the address info@notwist.com
"Si seulement nous avions le courage des oiseaux
qui chantent dans le vent glacé"