Originally Posted by ni'k
ive came out to myself but im not going to tell anyone else in this town. not a particularily safe thing to have known about you in a small town full of prejudiced fucks, altho im sure a lot of them know already.
but i reject the idea of "coming out" in a way because it feels like i have this obligation to go to my friends and say "there's something i have to tell you, i'm gay." and then they go "oh its ok we accept you for who you are" and then i go shopping with their girlfriends and get a minor role as a side character in a sit com. i mean fuck that, i hate this modern "tolerance" which is mostly just liberal patronising from fucks who like to feel so good about how they aren't prejudiced but will still call you a fag behind yr back and can't accept any form of homosexuality in the media because they've seen nothing but straight people in it their whole life and it threatens their semi christian worldview. a lot of these so called tolerant people who have no problem with gays can't accept you as a real person, yr their "gay friend", yr gay, you have to be introduced to everyone as gay to show you off as some sort of tolerance symbol cos they're so fucking great. and im sick of guys going on about fucking chicks and their pussys because i know i'm not allowed to make any sort of comment on male sexuality in their presence because they're not quite there yet.
being gay in this country is shit because i can't find anyone like me who isn't some overtly camp female idolising idiot and the gay bars sound worse than the fucking straight bars around here.
What you say is very true, and why would anyone have to come out when they feel like they're out anyway? Keep in mind, though, that what you might perceive as homophobia a lot of the time is simply ''What is homosexuality, anyway?''. Good luck and find a job, you lazy bum.