3.67 is pretty damn good just about anywhere, and even better if you already go to a good school. add that to the fact (i think) that admissions officers tend to be somewhat more lenient on transfer applicants, and you probably have a damn good chance.
i know precisely what you're going through right now . . . i'm taking the lsat (law school admission test) in a couple weeks and it's freaking me out. i've taken about a bazillion sample lsats and ranged anywhere from a 165 to a 178 (the scores go from 120 to 180, with 170 being around the 99th percentile), but i take way too long most of the time (on one section i've gone a MINIMUM of ten minutes overtime). add that to the fact that i'm trying to aim insanely high (i may apply to harvard, columbia, and uva, among others . . . i have a 3.80 gpa, which i don't think is high enough), and you could say i'm a tad unnerved by the whole process, even though i'm months away from beginning to apply.
as for the whole type-a-ness about grades . . . trust me, i feel your pain. lowest grade i've ever received in college was a b, and i got unbelievably pissed with myself when i got that, especially considering it was in symbolic logic and i'm a math major, so that should supposedly be my forte. (of course, the professor used to teach at oxford and he gave this obscenely long final that counted for 65% of the final grade, so whaddya gonna do . . .)
ok, after that meandering rant . . . good luck.